robotic surgery

Active Surveillance

Active surveillance involves the careful monitoring of prostate cancer progression in patients with less aggressive tumours. An increasing proportion of patients with Gleason 6 cancers, particularly in the older age group, are having their tumours monitored. Monitoring involves four-monthly prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing, a repeat biopsy every 12 to18 months and then ongoing monitoring […]

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HDR High dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy involves the placement of wires into the prostate to deliver high doses of radiation directly into the prostate. Three treatments are given over a 36-hour period and are intended for patients with advanced prostate cancer. By delivering a higher dose it is more likely to cure more aggressive cancers

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Robotic Surgery

Robot assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy is performed in less than two hours, there is minimal blood loss and the procedure is done through tiny incisions leading to a quicker recovery. Many  patients are up and walking the same day and  home within two days. The aim with this surgery is to achieve complete removal of the

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Open Surgery

The aim of the surgery is to cure the cancer and reduce the risk of incontinency and impotence. Having performed over 4,000 open surgery cases to date, the most in the Southern Hemisphere, I have been able to refine this technique to ensure exceptional outcomes in terms of cure, continency and minimal complications.  A nerve sparing technique,

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Nerve Sparing

Today with a lot of experience and a lot of skill it is possible to preserve both neurovascular bundles, the nerve supply to the penis, in most men depending on the extent of the cancer. With improved surgical techniques and the availability of Viagra like tablets, most men less than 65 years of age are

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Choosing Treatment

There are many treatment options for localised or locally advanced prostate cancer making it very difficult for patients to choose. Newly diagnosed patients must consider a myriad of factors including the risk of potential side effects, recommendations from physicians, family and friends, economic circumstances, prior medical care experiences, emotional feelings about a cancer diagnosis as

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A prostate biopsy is the taking of tissue samples from the prostate gland and examining them under a microscope for cancer cells. This can be done using either the transrectal or transperineal technique. Approximately 25 to 35% of patients having a biopsy will have cancer, depending upon their risk factors. Transperineal biopsy This technique is

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Evidence Based

As a doctor I need to have objective and validated data on my results. Without it I could not really qualify any success I have or improve my ability to choose the most effective treatment for a particular patient. By the careful collection and analyses of treatment outcomes I have been able to do this.

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