
Focal Irreversible Electroporation

NanoKnife© IRE Results We have now treated 450 patients since February 2013. All patients have been meticulously followed up (100% follow up) with high-quality MRIs and biopsies, in addition to being offered validated quality of life questionnaires. Our current outcomes for focal irreversible electroporation in the primary setting (not after radiotherapy) is: We are currently conducting

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Nanoknife – Focal Irreversible Electroporation (IRE)

Professor Stricker is currently the world’s most experienced focal nanoknife surgeon, having performed over 600 cases since 2013. He has modified and perfected his technique for select patients with prostate cancer. His nanoknife outcomes have been published in over 30 international peer reviewed papers. The most recent papers published in the British Journal of Urology International have

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Focal Therapy

Focal therapy for selective patients with prostate cancer is a relatively new treatment for a select group of patients for the treatment of localised prostate cancer. The treatment is recommended for patients with localised prostate cancer stage T1 and T2 who are not candidates for prostatectomy because of their age, their general state of being

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PSMA PET/CT Scanning

PSMA PET scanning is a relatively new diagnostic technology that greatly assists in localising the extent of prostate cancer. It can do this not only in the area of the prostate but also in the lymph glands and bones. As a result, therapy can be targeted more appropriately. PSMA PET/CT scanning is much more accurate

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Irreversible Electroporation Focal Therapy (NanoKnife) now shown to be a safe and effective treatment in selected patients.

A recent publication by Prof Stricker’s and Prof Emberton’s group in the journal Prostate Cancer and Prostate Diseases confirmed the safety of NanoKnife focal therapy in prostate cancer. Prof Stricker feels that this is a major advance in focal therapy as irreversible electroporation has significant potential advantages over all the other energy sources currently used

Irreversible Electroporation Focal Therapy (NanoKnife) now shown to be a safe and effective treatment in selected patients. Read More »

Multiparametric MRI

Recent developments in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have improved the ability of MRI to detect tumours, stage cancer and help in management decisions. They are also helping to more accurately target biopsies. What has changed in MRI imaging to make it so accurate? MRI has advanced recently so that not only can we look at

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Benign Prostatic Enlargement

Benign prostatic enlargement is the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate. It refers to benign prostatic hyperplasia (increase in the number of cells) or hypertrophy (increase in cell size). Benign prostatic enlargement is the most common prostate disease in men. Typically, the prostate grows to the size of a walnut, but may begin to grow again

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Cystoscopy is an endoscopic procedure where a tube is inserted into the urethra through the opening at the end of the penis. It allows me to visually examine the complete length of the urethra and the bladder for polyps, strictures, abnormal growths and other problems. Why is the test is performed? How does the test

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Open Surgery Results

I continue to perform open radical prostatectomy in several situations. Firstly, where robotic prostatectomy is difficult to perform, such as a patient who has extensive adhesions. Robotic is also not the best option where the cancer is extremely extensive and tactile sensation is beneficial. Having performed over 3,500 open radical prostatectomies I have noticed that,

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Advocacy As an author of educational documents my main objectives have been to highlight the prevalence of prostate cancer, the importance of early detection and the available treatment options. Awareness initiatives such as the original Movember fundraiser through to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia’s, ‘Be a Man’ campaign are an important part of the fight

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Active Surveillance

Active surveillance involves the careful monitoring of prostate cancer progression in patients with less aggressive tumours. An increasing proportion of patients with Gleason 6 cancers, particularly in the older age group, are having their tumours monitored. Monitoring involves four-monthly prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing, a repeat biopsy every 12 to18 months and then ongoing monitoring

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