Localised Prostate Cancer

Treatments Options

Localised prostate prostate cancer refers to prostate cancer that has spread to areas outside the prostate gland, but remains in the prostate region, that is in the prostate gland and the seminal vesicles. As with all treatments choosing a treatment for localised prostate cancer, or cancer that is described as T1 or T2, depends on […]

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Nanoknife – Focal Irreversible Electroporation (IRE)

Professor Stricker is currently the world’s most experienced focal nanoknife surgeon, having performed over 600 cases since 2013. He has modified and perfected his technique for select patients with prostate cancer. His nanoknife outcomes have been published in over 30 international peer reviewed papers. The most recent papers published in the British Journal of Urology International have

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Focal Therapy

Focal therapy for selective patients with prostate cancer is a relatively new treatment for a select group of patients for the treatment of localised prostate cancer. The treatment is recommended for patients with localised prostate cancer stage T1 and T2 who are not candidates for prostatectomy because of their age, their general state of being

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Active Surveillance

Active surveillance involves the careful monitoring of prostate cancer progression in patients with less aggressive tumours. An increasing proportion of patients with Gleason 6 cancers, particularly in the older age group, are having their tumours monitored. Monitoring involves four-monthly prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing, a repeat biopsy every 12 to18 months and then ongoing monitoring

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HDR High dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy involves the placement of wires into the prostate to deliver high doses of radiation directly into the prostate. Three treatments are given over a 36-hour period and are intended for patients with advanced prostate cancer. By delivering a higher dose it is more likely to cure more aggressive cancers

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Radiotherapy is an important management option for patients with localised prostate cancer. Radiotherapy uses targeted x-rays to destroy cancer cells with radiation and can cure cancer in many sites of the body. For low risk cancers the results are similar to those of surgery. However, the relapse rate appears to be higher if the cancer

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Robotic Surgery

Robot assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy is performed in less than two hours, there is minimal blood loss and the procedure is done through tiny incisions leading to a quicker recovery. Many  patients are up and walking the same day and  home within two days. The aim with this surgery is to achieve complete removal of the

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Open Surgery

The aim of the surgery is to cure the cancer and reduce the risk of incontinency and impotence. Having performed over 4,000 open surgery cases to date, the most in the Southern Hemisphere, I have been able to refine this technique to ensure exceptional outcomes in terms of cure, continency and minimal complications.  A nerve sparing technique,

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