Commencement of the official teaching program for specialists throughout the Southern Hemisphere for NanoKnife focal ablation of the prostate.
After five years performing and developing the NanoKnife focal prostate cancer therapy, Prof Stricker has now commenced the official teaching program for specialists throughout the Southern Hemisphere for NanoKnife focal ablation of the prostate. The first of these teaching programs occurred recently and was an outstanding success with lectures on the technology of NanoKnife ablation including in-theatre demonstrations of NanoKnife treatments. Three of the key urologists from Queensland and Victoria in Australia attended the teaching session and this is to be the first of many sessions to educate Australia, New Zealand and Southeast Asia. Prof Stricker presented his latest data showing a 98% clearance of tumour. He said that he is continuing to improve the technique and selection of patients to improve cancer outcomes of patients suitable for focal NanoKnife ablation.