As a doctor I need to have objective and validated data on my results. Without it I could not really qualify any success I have or improve my ability to choose the most effective treatment for a particular patient. By the careful collection and analyses of treatment outcomes I have been able to do this.
I am entirely transparent about my results because I see it as an obligation I have to my patients. It helps demystify both the relationship I have with my patients and treatment choice. Do take a moment to check the graphs below.
Surgery, potency and continence.
I have developed my own technique which is now internationally acclaimed for preserving continence and potency. The evidence comes from an ongoing study where all of my patients receive questionnaires to assess their health related quality of life (HRQOL) in addition to their cancer outcomes. This study is done in conjunction with the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, and is amongst the largest follow-up studies in the world today.
Recently one of our fellows, Dr Sam Chopra, presented the findings in a poster format at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Urological Association of America. The remakable thing about the results, other than the fact they were exceptionally good, was that they were strictly evidence-based and rigorously compared the short, medium and long term effects of all the therapies we offer ( by the way, Sam’s presentation was awarded first prize. Read the news story).